Online Florist Since 1996

Bold & Beautiful Bouquet

Bold & Beautiful Bouquet
ID# T17M100-2
Product Description - Bold & Beautiful Bouquet

Make a bold statement to someone you love with this beautiful bouquet full of roses and lilies and more  •  You'll brighten their day in more ways than you'll know as they sit and admire this wonderful gift. Hand-delivered by a local florist in a purple glass vase.Includes:  •  Dark Pink Roses  •  White Asiatic Lilies  •  Lavender Stock  •  Green Button Spray Chrysanthemums  •  Lavender Sinuata Statice  •  Sword Fern  •  Huckleberry  •  Cylinder Vase
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1. Please select your gift size:
Small $59.99
Medium $69.99
Large $79.99
2. Want to make it special?
Mylar Balloons - $5.00/ea
Latex Balloons - $3.00/ea
Chocolate - Based on size
Teddy Bear - Based on size
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